Categories: Fruit




The apple is widely cultivated throughout the world, there are literally thousands of different varieties, coming in many different sizes and colours. Because apples are cultivated all over the world they are available all year round and are one of the most widely eaten fruits.

Store bought apples usually have waxed skins to keep the moisture inside, this helps prolong shelf life.  You should always thoroughly wash non organic apples in warm water to remove the wax before you consume them, there are benefits to juicing and eating the skin as the highest concentration of nutrients is just below the skin and the skin also provides Soluable Fibre, Insoluable Fibre, quercitin, Phenols and Antioxidents

Apples are one of the healthiest snacks available but always make sure you carefully wash and eat the peel. Always buy organic if you can because unfortunately apples are also one of the most contaminated fruits out there, this is due to high levels of pesticide contamination.

What about the core???? Don’t juice or eat the seeds, the seeds contain cyanide but the cyanide content is very low and you would have to eat a large amount of apple seeds to do any harm.

Always remember to check the little label on your organic apple for a 5 number code beginning with a number 9 this certifies the apple as organic

identifying the perfect apple with it’s identifying sticker and 5 number code


Apples and health


Apples are  a rich source of Vitamin C,  phyto-nutrients and bioflavinoids, apples are also rich in beta-carotene, which we need for healthy skin, eyes, and for a healthy immune system, apple juice also helps with nutrient synthesis and metabolism because it contains B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine.

Apples can help you lose weight as they are high in fibre and low in calories, basically they fill you up for longer without being loaded with calories.

A 20 year long Iowa Women’s Health Study reported that, among the 34,000-plus women tested, apples were associated with lowered risk of death from cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. Experts attribute the positive results to the antioxidant compounds found in apples which help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and inhibit inflammation.  Soluble fiber in apples has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Apples are loaded with pectin, which may help keep blood cholesterol levels normal, when pectin dissolves in water, the soluble fiber creates a gummy, gel-like substance that binds to bile acids and draws cholesterol out of the blood. Soluble fiber’s stickiness also slows the absorption of carbohydrates, keeping blood sugar levels on the right track

Eating apples before you work out can boost your endurance. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which helps increase the lungs ability to absorb oxygen. Apples have also been shown to benefit surfferers of asthma, In a study published in the American Journal Of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, UK researchers reported that adults who ate at least two apples a week reduced their asthma risk by up to a third.

Click below to see the

15 Health Benefits Of Apples

Apple juice


Apples are an ideal choice as a base for your mixed juice recipes, their sweet taste and good juice yield make them ideal for bulking out or sweetening other juices. Vegetable juices can be made more drinkable by adding apple juice to make them more palatable.

Apples can be used in juices or smoothies, we prefer to use pink lady, braeburn or Royal Gala as they taste fantastic and make a nice clear juice that doesn’t oxidise quickly.  See our apple juice recipes for more ideas on what do juice with your apples.

Always juice your own apples, don’t waste your time with pasteurised supermarket juices from cartons, they always have lower levels of  living enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients and in some cases all you are getting is sugar water. Bottled and Cartonized juice has also been shown to contain high levels of arsenic.

Apples are considered to be one of the healthiest snacks available but always make sure you carefully wash and eat the peel. Always buy organic if you can because unfortunately apples are also one of the most contaminated fruits out there, this is due to their high levels of pesticide contamination.

What about the core???? Don’t juice or eat the core or the seeds, the seeds contain cyanide but the cyanide content is very low and you would have to eat a large amount of apple seeds to do any harm.



Apple Facts

  1. Apples are the most widely grown tree fruit, Millions of tonnes of apples are grown every year.
  2. The apple tree originated in Central Asia, apples were introduced to North America by European settlers.
  3. China is the leading producer of apples.
  4. Honey bees are commonly used to pollinate apple trees.
  5. Apple trees typically blossom in spring with fruit maturing in autumn.
  6. Apple seeds contain a cyanide compound. Our body can handle small doses of this naturally occurring poison so you’d have to eat a huge number of seeds for it to have an effect, and even then the seeds are covered in a protective coating which keeps the cyanide compound safe inside.
  7. An average apple contains around 130 calories.
  8. It is believed that the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” originated in Wales in the 19th century. Sadly eating apples doesn’t guarantee good health but they do have nutritional value and potential health benefits.
  9. The apple genome was decoded in 2010.

Nutritional Data

ORAC value 5900 (100 g)

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Vitamin A

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Wade Tate

Published by
Wade Tate

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