Categories: LifestyleVegetables

Cabbage, the King of the Cruciferous

The Cabbage, king of the Cruciferous?  How can this be I hear you cry?

Surely the crown should go to Broccoli or Brussel Sprouts…. Well maybe but we love Cabbage juice so much we decided it should just be that way, let us try and convince you.

It’s difficult to trace the exact history of cabbage, but it was probably domesticated in Europe before 1000 BC.  By the Middle ages it was a prominent part of the European diet, although the savoy variety didn’t appear until the 16th century.

The Greeks and Romans claimed medicinal uses for their cabbage variety that included relief from gout, headaches and the symptoms of poisonous mushroom ingestion. The Egyptians even ate cabbage with vinegar before a night of hard drinking to prevent hangovers!

Cabbage content

This low-calorie, Vitamin and nutrient-dense Vegetable. It is a great source of the following:

Vitamin K

Vitamin B6










Beta carotine





Cabbage cures?

Here are a few of the ailments that cabbage may be able to help with?



An excellent home remedy for obesity, cabbage contains a chemical called tartaric acid, which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Substituting a meal with cabbage salad once a day is an excellent way to reduce weight.



Try eating raw cabbage to cure a headache. It is also a great cure for hangovers!



Recipe: Take common green cabbage, put it in boiling water, boil briefly until half cooked. Pour out half the water, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and a little cumin. Bring to another boil for about 3 minutes. Eat the cabbage and drink the juice from this recipe immediately. Once a day is best.



Recipe: Sterilize the wound, then apply ground cabbage twice a day. Grind fresh cabbage and apply to wounds or sores. Fresh ground cabbage will also bring a boil to a head and make it burst.



Apply freshly ground cabbage to a bruise to heal it quickly.



Raw cabbage is one of the best vegetables you can take to ease inflammation of the joints. You can eat it however you like,  just make sure it is fresh and uncooked!  Herbalists suggest to eat fresh cabbage in the morning prior to any other food.



Scientists at Seoul National University found that when they fed an extract of kimchi to 13 chickens infected with the bird flu, 11 of them recovered within a week. These same scientists previously proved that the lactic acid bacteria found in kimchi also has an anti-bacterial effect.”


Juicing Cabbage


We advise that the leaves are stripped from the cabbage and thoroughly washed prior to juicing, some people pour boiling water over the leaves to be sure they are free from any nasty bugs but a thorough wash should be all they need. Dry the leaves and cut them into strips wide enough to fit into your juicer

Cabbage juice is quite strong to taste so you may need to add some lemon, lime or other fruit to moderate the taste. Never add processed sugar to any juice as there’s already plenty of sugar in the juice.


Cabbage concoction


4 Cabbage leaves (washed and drieds)

4 carrots

1 cucmber

1 lime

1 thumb ginger

Makes enough for two to enjoy.

Some believe that cabbage juice is best taken on it’s own first thing in the morning, if you can handle the taste……



If you would like to try growing cabbages from seed click HERE or if you just need a few pointers on growing cabbages click the following link


The advice above is not intended a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your doctor, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone. Only your health care provider, doctor, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs.

Wade Tate

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