Last week I was on a mission to prove the effectiveness of my inflammation free living practices.
But, how exactly do I prove to you that I am living inflammation free and making amazing progress on my arthritis fighting diet?
Simple! I live life like I mean it and record all the highs and lows so you can judge my methods and decide if I’m worth taking notice of.
The best way to inspire others, and to provide this proof, is to be the greatest example of pain-free, inflammation free, arthritis living there can be.
To that end, I decided to share all my data and document how all this goes. Please feel free to make up your own minds on what you see here.
Before we get into the week’s results please remember that I don’t take prescription drugs or painkillers. I simply don’t have any pain so there’s no need.
What am I trying to prove with my results on arthritis
Here’s the plan for the week!…..Blast morning stiffness to pieces and train like a maniac all week to prove I’m inflammation free!
I was rather eager to demonstrate the insane levels of exercise I can achieve with no adverse reactions or inflammation. So, I thought I’d do the full spread of exercises I can reasonably achieve and what you might be able to do at home. They were walking, cycling and gym sessions.
Starting the day with a long and very early walk was designed to show you that I don’t suffer from any morning stiffness.
After my walk, I would do some light weights in my gym. This would consist of light weight high rep cable exercises to about 30% of my maximum physical capability…Although I don’t know what that is yet?
High reps and low weight was the key here. With the focus on pumping the blood and lymphatic fluids, and moving the synovial fluid in the joints after the walk.
Walking can make the shoulders stiff so I also did some range of motion exercises before and after the walk and 10 minutes before lifting any weights.
The main exercise for any given day would be a testing bike ride and depending if I had anything left I’d also do a weight session in the evenings. Mostly these were light weight sessions to stretch the muscles, but I did train reasonably heavy at least twice in the week to avoid any loss of muscle and did continue to remain inflammation free.
Here I’m going to run down the exercise for last week and pint out where I think the important sessions are and what happened on the day.
Monday started with a nice early walk around my 8.5 km loop. This is where I started my lil rant video about rheumatoid arthritis.
I would also like to add that I’d completed a bike ride of KM on the previous day, Sunday.
So please keep in mind that this was my first time on the bike for over a month because I’d been drilling the snapped frame and repairing some other bits on the bike.
Sunday ride
Monday Exercise
Monday Afternoon Ride 36.2 kM
Tuesday Exercise
Tuesday Lunch Ride
Wednesday Exercise
Wednesday morning early walk went well. Unfortunately, the weather turned bad so there was no bike ride for Wednesday afternoon.
To be very honest I was relieved! By this point, I was suffering from significant muscle stiffness because I hadn’t ridden the bike at all for a month. However, I wasn’t suffering joint pain and was inflammation free! The pain was purely the muscles adjusting to the new regime and was the same type of discomfort you would find from doing too much in the gym.
Thursday Exercise
Thursday was a late start. The previous night I was helping a friend from the USA in her fight against arthritis until the early hours and couldn’t get out of bed.
Friday Exercise
Saturday Exercise
Sunday Exercise
I decided to finish the week off with a flourish so went for my longest ride of the week. A truly tiring almost 50 KM ride that seemed uphill all the way. The great thing was I felt really strong and zipped along at an incredible pace. There was some wind out there but I was flying and still inflammation free.
Above you can see my output for the week.
I was hoping this post would prove to some of you that I’m putting serious work in and not getting any inflammation or morning stiffness.
How could I get on the bike day after day if I had inflammation? it wouldn’t be possible. The same goes for the morning walks. Notwithstanding that we had some beautiful foggy weather out there and I wanted to take some pretty pictures I was also trying to demonstrate that I can get up day after day at 5 AM and walk for 8.5 km each morning with no morning stiffness!
If you take a close look at the times you will see I am getting quicker towards the end of the week and even my walking speed has increased with gradual reductions in the time it took me to complete the loop I walk in a morning.
All of the walks are the same 8.5 km loop. The reason for the distances don’t match up or are incorrect is because I either forgot to turn Strava on or Strava didn’t pick up the GPS signal and missed some of the data.
This has also happened on some of the bike rides. in those cases, you will see straight lines going point to point over the countryside.
Clearly, I can’t ride like that across some of the obstacles it shows me doing in Strava! I’m good but not that good.
So, for the record, I’m going to share Strava’s official read out of the time, distance travelled, and metres climbed for the week above and claim the glory for those figures only.
Distance Travelled per day
Metres Climbed
Time the exercise took
So there you have my Strava proof for last week.
My estimate for the full mileage covered last week would be around 280 km total if we factor in all the Strava errors.
I’ll be posting more information on my results, gym lifts, and whatever else you’d like to see so please feel free to comment below and I’ll do my best to put that together for you.
I’m always up for a challenge so if you can make it happen or have a good idea for an activity for me I’m game for giving it a go….. As long as it’s not swimming 🙂
My understandings and treatments of my rheumatoid arthritis are based on solid study backed evidence and work. I believe I’m repairing RA damage in new ways and can do it better than anyone else!
There’s the proof to back up the talk folks!
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Hi,good day,very inspiring indeed,but how do I get this tablets? Am in Nigeria. Thanks
Which tablets are you referring to?