If you’re looking for a tasty, healthy, winter treat, look no further.

This beautiful, nourishing salad is great at this time of the year when all of the produce you need is overflowing on the supermarket shelves, this selection of beneficial ingredients aren’t just good for Arthritis sufferers, they can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Prep: 10min  › Cook: 5min› Ready in: 10min 

Serves 4


4 Large Boiled Eggs

4 baby Pearl Lettuces or equivalent Salad leaves to form the salad base

4 Mandarin oranges, segmented

2 large pomegranates

2 Lemons

1 Large Bunch of Fresh Basil


1, Heat a pan of water to boiling and add your eggs.

2, While the eggs are cooking,  take out your lettuces and tear off the leaves to form a nice base for your salad.

3, Peel the mandarins (Satsumas work well too) and put them to one side

4, Cut your Pomegranates in half and take out the seeds, you can see a video on how to do that here

5, Drain off the water from your Eggs, remove the shells and cut the eggs into even slices. Once that is done you can arrange the egg slices on top of your salad leaves

6,  Take your segments of Mandarin and scatter them around on top of the salad

7, Tear the basil leaves and scatter over the top

8, Sprinkle a generous amount of Pomegranate seeds onto the Salad

9, Season with Pink Himalayan salt and a little Lemon juice to taste

Serve immediately.

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